once upon a time,, there was a couple . and once upon a time we went to celebrate their happiness.the journey was long , but finally we arrived to prešov . with a penalty ,but without a detriment to our health. a very nice man was waiting for us, with bread and vegetables. and it was a lovely home.with beautiful garden. and full of memories. obviously.
//kde bolo tam bolo, bol jeden pár. a jedného dňa sme sa vybrali osláviť ich lásky šťastie. cesta bola dlhá, ale nakoniec sme dorazili do prešova. s pokutou za rýchlosť , ale bez ujmy na zdraví.
privítal nás veľmi príjemný pán , chlebom, soľou a zeleninou .
bol to skvelý domček. s nádhernou záhradou a plný spomienok. očividne .)
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