pondělí 15. srpna 2011

prague # 11 people ! street's like a jungle !

hehe, práve si ulietam na BLUR !! a girls and boys,, pred chvíľou ma našupu odpálili skladbou tender. čiže slúchatká do uší a do ulíc medzi ľudí ! always should be someone you really love !

prague # 11 people !

fúú, takze v tychto ťažkých časoch ma dostávajú z krízy len knihy a fotky.a kamoši ofc.
tak som sa jedného dňa vybrala vyriešiť problém ktorý rieším už dva mesiace a keďže okrem čítania kníh v električke možem ešte fotiť, tak som fotila.mala som síce adrenalín 5000, ale doma potom popiči pocit .)

fúú, so , in this hard times,,what is helpin me, is making pictures or reading books.and friends ,of course.
só,one day,  i went to solve the problem , that  im handling over 2 months !! /greetings to authorities !!
and except reading in a tram i can also take pics , só i was taking pics.
adrenaline was somewhere about 5000 , but that great feeling at home ! :)

úterý 9. srpna 2011

wolves !

                                            some day my pain,
                   some day my pain,
                      will mark you.

                   harness your blame,
                   harness your blame,
                     and walk through.

               with the wild wolves around you,
                  in the morning I'll call you
                          send it farther on.

//ellie goulding evening !

helló lucky boy !*


                         helló, lucky boy
                 how you do today? are you coming out?
                  i quite need you, this time around
              can you hear me? please don't let me down.

             / im thinkin of you.my dear. all the time. 
                   even if it is not possible.
                  that im in love. again. and with you. 


dafoé in love.

  todays shooting , i like willem, he is one of my favourite.
   i just wish much more light to these pics :) next time !
                       blazer and pants by zara 
                        photo by kratochvil


wá, vzhľadom na to že mi umrel phoenix, tak som nútená /not really !/ čítať počas ciest za prácou.dnes som si zobrala so sebou věčný oheň,,a je jasné že sapkowskeho a geralta milujem a ani som nezabudla že ich milujem, ale dnes som sa opäť o tom presvedčila že je to mega ! hrozne som sa smiala na yarpenovi, veselý chlapík veru, a celý príbeh je hrozne super.
aj to ako je yennefer vytočená a geralt s tým nemôže nič spraviť.
a draky . a draky !
forever and ever in love !

//wá, because of phoenix death , i have to / not really !/ read , while im in a tram . my choice for today was sapkowskis witcher and eternal fire.its obvious that i LOVE sapkowski and geralt and i didnt forget that i love them,i was laughing a lot on yarpen,  funny guy ! and the whole story is great.
the upset yennefer and geralt who cannot do anything about it.
and dragons.and dragons !
forever and ever in love !

the adjustment bureau.i like it.

friend of mine ,after i was telling him that i love judy dench / i was watching shakespeare in love !/ told me that he loves emily blunt,, / i saw her in two movies devil wears prada and my summer of love but i didnt like her that much./ anyway ! he told me that i have to see this.so i did.and im watchin it 4th time in row :D and i have to tell you, that dreams i had in this 4 hours ,, impossible.it was a weird dream with my lóvely friend hruska and she was calling with david and asked him really weird questions. i believe,that his answers are not true  in real !
and one of the best things of this movie is that it is in NYC !!
/ 9 /11
and ofc i like this guy a lot !

pondělí 8. srpna 2011

má lovelý quentin !

i know, that im not special if i say : i love his movies !
// especially these two. 
and that book i have in my hand is really great guide through his work.

and then, we met a deer.

you see,, pali was at first a little,,ehm, scared, but then ,, best friends forever ! :D

tomášvšvú !

                  a little bit grainy tomas on vsvu.

just like a woman ! ♥

this happy i was. before and after the bob dylans concert. he was amazing.had a great hat,,/ horse racing hat :D / and a great suit.
didnt say any word except introducing the band at the end. he played for a hour and 3/4 without any break. and had a great band.
and when i was going home i was flying, i guess.in love, for eternity ! 


and wedding guests !*

                    and  ofc us  ! and family .)

and the beautiful bride once again ! *

                       beautiful as always ! *

kiss of love ♥*

                             and finally! 
                          ever thine
                          ever mine
                          ever ours .

be my husband. / just kiddin .)

                   and mé in my very favourite dress.

i remember it well, part #2 .

that nice man was an architect.and probably he likes alfons mucha . or maybe his wife.who knows .) and what i like the most, is that light. special light in the morning .

// a ten príjemný pán bol architektom.a pravdepodobne má rád alfonsa muchu. alebo jeho žena, ktovie. ale čo sa mi páčilo najviac bolo to svetlo.svetlo, ktoré má toto čaro len ráno .

i remember it well .)

once upon a time,, there was a couple . and once upon a time we went to celebrate their happiness.the journey was  long , but finally we arrived to prešov . with a penalty ,but  without a detriment to our health. a very nice man was waiting for us, with bread and vegetables. and it was a lovely home.with beautiful garden. and full of memories. obviously.

//kde bolo tam bolo, bol jeden pár. a jedného dňa sme sa vybrali osláviť ich lásky šťastie. cesta bola dlhá, ale nakoniec sme dorazili do prešova. s pokutou za rýchlosť , ale bez ujmy na zdraví.
privítal nás veľmi príjemný pán , chlebom, soľou a zeleninou .
bol to skvelý domček. s nádhernou záhradou a plný spomienok. očividne .)

neděle 7. srpna 2011

damien.óh, damien.

sometimes,sometimes ,sometimes its not easy to move yourself ,somehow.

 cold water surrounds me now.


time to go to bed.

oh, mé wish. have this point of view.
lil tired, choosing pics which are ehm / yeah im feeling really bad ! about a year old? but you know its better late than never .
oh,sometimes i miss hometown só much,my new old room and tv.a little kingdom where i can disappear for a while.

čo by som za to dala,, za tento pohľad.
unavená, vyberajúc fotky ktoré sú, ehm / áno,cítim sa naozaj zle ! :D
vyše rok staré? tak ale vieme ako to je, lepšie neskoro ako nikdy.
wá, niekedy mi hrozne chýba domov, moja nová stará izba a telka.
malé kráľovstvo kde sa môžem na chvíľu stratiť.


má lovely sú. pokračovanie gold diggera,, zabudnuté wedding dress v cvern po dákom  fotení nám poslúžili ako vynikajúci outfit.
'ladies,you're here for audition? ' sure sure. 
4 hodiny nád ránom,, vonku začína byť obrovské teplo. my s umelými slnkami , mé najšťastnejšia za objektívom. aj takto sa začal august 2010. ou yeah.

/ get OFF !